Thursday, April 9, 2015

What would Jesus do to increase your bottom line?

At first glance the Sermon on the Mount looks like a lesson in how evil and bad hypocrites are. If you are willing to look at it from a different point of view this is the single greatest lecture on business ever given. In this blog, I will discuss what I see, from my point of view. I present this as my opinion. You will probably come up with other concepts and business practices that I didn't even consider. If you choose to leave a comment I prefer you leave an insight; because my opinion is not better than yours.

The current business climate is tough and it seems like we are at a standstill. What if the principles that will propel your business to incredible heights are right under your nose? Would you dare to act on them?

 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

The first question you may ask is “ How does Jesus telling us to help the beggar increase my profit margin?”

This is a call for us to be honest and true as we deal with each other. As a leader you should provide an environment where your employees can prosper and "Give Alms" themselves. Pay your employees more, so that they will be able to give alms quietly and help the poor on their own. Also pay them more so that they can trust you.

If you treat your employees like commodities you will have a workforce that doesn't care about your vision. When your workforce doesn't trust you. Your business is doomed to a slow death.

True leadership is based on honesty and trust. Build it!

If your followers trust you amazing things can happen. The world is full of businesses that fail. One of the reasons that they fail is that they rely on a group of employees who are working for a paycheck and nothing else. 

When the leader is trusted the employees will actually work for a purpose in addition to the paycheck.

When all of your employees give their best efforts nothing can hold your company back.
Being honest and trustworthy is not only a key to happiness. It is also a key to increased profits and prosperity.

Leader, ask yourself; am I acting in a way that makes my followers want to follow me?

Ask yourself; what actions can I do today to change the outlook of my followers and increase trust in the masses? Then take an action that will increase trust and watch what happens.

©tom jenson communications llc. 2015

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